Your Legacy

Your Legacy
You have worked all your life and saved for retirement. What other planning work could possibly be left?

Estate planning is not just for the ultra-wealthy. 

The fact is that real money will be left behind after your passing. You worked hard for that money. Shouldn’t it go to those you love or to a charity that shares your values? Make sure your money goes where you want it to be.

If you don’t plan carefully, your estate can be taxed away.

There can be many tax liabilities triggered by your passing, and solutions should be arranged in advance. Can you believe that a house passed on to the next generation might have to be forcibly sold to cover the tax bill? What a terrible outcome. A Certified Financial Planner can help you avoid preventable situations like this one.

A Certified Financial Planner can help you with the process of setting up a will, a letter of direction, power of attorney, and other estate arrangements.

If you don’t have a will, the province steps-in to take control of your assets.
With the help of a Certified Financial Planner, you can prevent this from happening and create a legacy you can be proud of.


A will is a written document, properly signed, which: (1)specifies who is to administer the estate (the executor), (2) specifies what is to happen with the …

Letter of Direction

Broadly speaking a letter of direction is any letter that gives instruction and guidance to a recipient. Letters of direction are also common in situations when…

Power of Attorney

What if you were in a coma, or otherwise incapacitated such that you were unable to communicate? Or struck with a disease or other tragedy which…

Life Insurance

With Permanent Life you have the ability to change your coverage, deposits and investment choices in response to your changing needs, conditions, or circumstances…

Estate Planning

Many people assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy. So, it must come as a shock to the families of all the Canadians who die every year without…

Tax Planning

Taxes are a fact of life. They affect every Canadian in most aspects of their lives. Whether it’s earning an income, making a purchase, owning real…


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